Saturday, October 10, 2009

Cities x Design

I found this website the other day on a wander through the web, Cities x Design. Conceived by a couple of young journalists/designers/sociologists, the website documents their travels across America, conducting interviews and taking video footage about how the financial crisis has affected certain areas. But the site really focuses on what the future holds and how innovative design thinking can help build up towns and cities that may be on hard times. A recent entry about Detroit features an interview with an AIGA educater who discusses how this city could be a laboratory for innovative and sustainable design. They also feature burgeoning social and art movements by local activists, artists and designers in Detroit, such as the powerhouse project and plot 63, encouraging and inspiring happenings.

Eventually the findings will be compiled into a film and book but it is fun to follow their adventures, and keep informed about local movements in the States.

1 comment:

Jay Corless said...

Hi Pilar,

We're happy you found the site! Thank you. Would you mind sharing with us how you found it? We're working hard at getting the word out so it was a pleasure to see that you found us and read your entry about our work. Anything leads you could give us would be appreciated.


Design Explorer