Thursday, January 29, 2009

Andrew Sean Greer

Great reading last night at the American Library(is it intentional that this library feels like a public library in 1978 in small town Kansas?). Anyways, Andrew Sean Greer read from his book "Scenes from a Marriage," a novel set in 1953 San Francisco about a couple and an old friend who comes back into their lives. He read some beautiful, very sensual (as one audience member noticed), lines-repressed 1950s dialogue, but full of mystery and detail. I have not read the book yet, but it has been on my list and listening to the reading last night confirmed my imminent reading. The book before this one was "The Adventures of Max Tivoli," praised by John Updike in the New Yorker when it was released. Updike was also honored last night at the beginning of the reading.

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