Thursday, November 20, 2008

Eileen Quinlan

An exhibition of photographs by New York artist Eileen Quinlan is now on view at Sutton Lane Gallery, 6, rue de Braque.
A small show of nine photographs, all but one of which is from her body of work that is developed out a unique, self-made system that uses mirrors, smoke, fabric and lighting to create an abstract, of the moment image. She doesn't manipulate the photographs post production, but achieves quite interesting and complex imagery that looks very painterly. It is impossible to know what you are looking at without any references to the "real world," which makes you appreciate her creative methods even more.


Aralena said...

cool! i will definitely come check this out.

so good to see you last night... i got down my Stendhal this morning - it's a doorstop! man. we're in for some seriousness.

bises, Aralena

Emilie said...

i will also be stopping by - after all, it is the same address as my work...a sin not to. also very good to see you last night - looking forward to our thanksgiving!

Unknown said...

i am so glad she is getting her moment in the sun - she's a great artist, a hip mama, a kind person...her work is really personal/intimate and formally strong at the same time.
also she's at daniel buchholz in cologne last (or this month)!