Friday, June 13, 2008

Galerie Impaire

Galerie Impaire opened its doors last night for their inaugural exhibition. This
gallery was the idea of Creative Growth,, the center in Oakland, California
that provides a space and assistance to mentally handicapped people, to
make art. That is their main mission and it has proven to be aphenomenally successful experience both for the artists, many of whom have arrived and just flourished through art, and the center, which has gained a world-wide reputation.
This concept of art, was championed by many, but one of the first was French artist Jean Dubuffet, who coined the term Art Brut and encouraged this type of intuitive, raw, pure form of art.

Galerie Impaire will feature artists who work at the center, such as Judith Scott, Dan
Miller and Aurie Ramirez, but they will also do exhibitions of
international artists from Japan, Russia, the Czech Republic. There is
a side space in the gallery which may bring in contemporary artists to
work in dialogue with the Art Brut artists. It may not be for everyone,
but I think it is an exciting addition to Paris. The opening was well
attended, a good start and hopefully sign of their long-term presence.
47, rue Lancry, 10th
arr. (Image is of a work by Judith Scott, a personal favorite. Her work
is an obsessive weaving and twisting of yarn among such items as a
chair, skateboard, twigs, stones, etc. Beautiful.).

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